Monday, February 24, 2020

Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Lab Report Example in feeding as it has different mouth parts and mainly feeds on nutrients whereas the adult is specialized in the process of reproduction and dispersal. The type of food consumed between the larva and the adult is entirely different, and this, therefore, enhances their survival. The adult has the secondary characteristics of flying, walking and crawling and therefore even the type of diet it consumes is entirely different from the larva (Kay 3). The organism had both the crypsis and aposematism coloration as a defense mechanism. In crypsis, as exemplified by Kay, 1969, the camouflaging is as a result of the background as was evidenced in the experiment. The phenotypic aspect of the organism in terms of behavioral change in the environment must come into play before coloration occurs. The aposematism effect referred to as warning coloration was observed when there was a striking contrast in terms of background color. The organism died after a period of two weeks as a result of exposure to direct heat from the sun. This in turn led to the destruction of the newly formed chitin that could have provided the protection of the internal organs. The presence of chitin is vital in the life of the organism as this feature offers protection and helps in reproduction through molting process (Kay 5). The death of the organism may result due to different reasons. For instance, improper feeding or harsh environmental conditions minimizes their chances of

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